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"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."


Many people today are facing challenges in careers or relationships. Others are struggling with traumatic experiences, illness or addictive behaviors. The Authentic Self Guide™ can provide assistance out of the victim role, re-write belief systems generated in early childhood and help you discover your true authentic self


The Problem:


The modern world has caused many people to lose touch with their own inherent nature. We are given a “one size fits all” framework to live and exist within.


The Solution:


Through proprietary testing and software, combined with detailed analysis and personal intuitive assessment, we can identify an individual’s unique talents, learning styles, fundamental personality inclinations and cautionary factors, intrinsic to them from birth.  Each Authentic Self Guide is customized and handmade for each individual; this is not a machine generated report.  Drawing from many different modalities, from comprehensive personality exploration to numerology, this online course will break down the barriers of societal constructs, cultural misinformation and personal beliefs that might be limiting you.  


This concept is a new revolutionary way of teaching, based on the principles of Confucius.  Confucius said: "Tell me and I'll forget.  Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I will understand."  Research has shown that within 2-8 years after graduation, college graduates forget about 16-94% of what they are taught.  Book learning and other forms of knowledge don't last long unless you apply it successfully.  The Authentic Self Guide uses this same concept of engagement to ensure that the knowledge you acquire throughout the process is fully retained.  Statistically, only 27% of college graduates end up working in the field they studied.  We believe this is due to the fact that most people choose their degree of study without fully knowing what would benefit their natural selves.  Using this one-of-a-kind blueprint, we can help you design a life that aligns with your specific attributes and precise essential qualities, allowing you to embrace your true authentic nature, igniting the spark for a life filled with purpose and passion.  Are you ready to start living the Authentic Self Path?


Other Applications for the Authentic Self Guide


Integrate the Authentic Self Guide into the school system to develop a deeper understanding of inner nature and self-esteem in children.  Create information for teachers and parents to better connect with children in school and at home.  We have the opportunity to enhance our school systems and create an optimal learning environment.


Rite of passage for teenagers

We have a counselor specifically experienced in the Rites of Passage movement who will apply the Authentic Self Guide using these specific techniques to help develop a deeper sense of self and purpose in life.  Give a unique lifeline and metaphorical roadmap to our youth during a time of extreme internal upheaval. 


High school students interested in attending college

Obtain an accurate direction regarding potential careers and majors before entering college to maximize success!  A 2013 study showed that only 27% of college graduates worked in a field related to their major - save time and money by gaining direction beforehand.


Graduation gifts from parents or grandparents

Give the ultimate gift to a beloved young adult in your family; help them to further define and map out the life he or she is truly meant to live.  Start them on the path toward leading a life of passion and purpose!


Parental guidance 

For parents who have difficulty connecting with their children or those who need additional insight into their relationship.  Find out the unknown depths of who you are and who your children are, where the differences lie and how to better communicate or resolve problems.  Note that there are 7.4 billion people on the planet, each with their own entirely unique fingerprint and Authentic Self.  The common knowledge has been that children are "chips off the old block" but research has shown this is not always true.  



Gain powerful insight into others you interview for business or personal help.  Know who these people are on a deeper level, what motivates them, what skills they bring and what problems may arise between you before you hire them.  



Before you enter into a serious relationship or the possibility of marriage, get an Authentic Self Guide to discover what gifts, talents, personality and temperament traits each individual brings to the table, as well as how each person deals with money (which is statistically one of the largest problems in long-term relationships).


Career counseling 

The Authentic Self Guide presents a much more comprehensive group of tests, questionnaires and assessments to be used in career counseling.



People who have retired often feel lost and need to design the next phase of their life. 



Over the last 30 years of doing counseling, I've found that in a divorce, many times people have lost touch with who they really are and their Authentic Self; that they have given it up in the relationship somehow.  Before getting into a new relationship or to gain closure and healing, define your Authentic Self and learn how to keep it intact moving forward.

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